That Was the Plan…

by | Jun 3, 2022 | Reflections Blog | 0 comments

Our 2022 Hispanic/Latino Pastors and Leaders Retreat was a success and a great blessing. On May 12-14, fifty-two sisters and brothers from the Presbytery of Los Ranchos and other presbyteries had a unique time to worship, rest, learn, and play together.

When you look at the pictures that some of the participants took, you will see joy, friendship, anticipation, and renewal. I was blessed to see and hear a report about what God and God’s people were accomplishing together, and I felt tremendously grateful and inspired by it.

Los Ranchos Presbytery has facilitated this fantastic opportunity for the last 11 years, and I have had the privilege of organizing them all. However, on Wednesday, May 11, I got a positive COVID-19 test, which was a great disappointment, and it meant I could not go or lead this time.

Nevertheless, hours before the retreat officially started, I met with other pastors and leaders via Zoom, and we came up with an alternative plan. In hindsight, I can tell that it was “The Plan” because it went well all the way through.

Many thoughts come to mind when disappointments and setbacks confront us. We do well always to remember that we are not alone in those moments. God and God’s people are with us. In those times, we need to allow God’s active Presence and other people’s leadership, expertise, and love to shine through.

All these pastors and leaders who responded to the call to lead on that Zoom meeting did a great job. They certainly shone through by God’s grace.

With profound gratitude,
Rev. Dr. Alfredo Delgado
New Worshipping Communities & Church Revitalization Consultant