
The Board of Trustees promotes biblical stewardship, serves as liaison between the Presbytery and congregations on financial matters, develops the annual budget, monitors sources and use of funds, and guides the Council on financial matters in support of the vision and mission of the Presbytery.

Specific oversight includes:

1. Property & Loans (Presbytery and Congregational)

2. Insurance (Presbytery and Congregational)

3. Legal (Presbytery and Congregational)

4. Annual Budget Preparation and Management

Point of Contact: Mike Regele, TE, Moderator

Mike Regele, TE, Moderator
Tom Cramer, TE Executive Presbyter, Staff
Gary Pado, Staff

David Arechiga, RE
Mickie Choi, TE
Sue Currie, RE
Suzanne Elkins, RE
Fred Hebein, RE
Jon Moore, TE
John Pomery, RE
Renee Tevlin, RE