The Church Security Task Force, formed in the aftermath of the tragic shooting at Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods on May 15, 2022, has been meeting to consider what helpful resources we can provide for our congregations and new worshiping communities in terms of safety and security. This team has been meeting with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to coordinate a Church Safety and Active Shooter Training workshop for the churches in our presbytery.
This workshop, led by an active shooter preparedness instructor (ALICE), will help us take a broad look at church security, including:
Registration is limited to 60 participants for this in-person only event. The training will involve tours around the church campus and active shooter drills. We recommend sending 2 people per congregation and being very strategic about whom you send. (We will set up a waiting list if necessary and look to host an additional training if needed in the spring).
Cost is $15 for lunch.
The trainers are Presbyterian Disaster Assistance staff and PDA’s National Response Team (NRT) volunteers. The training is based on ALICE training, the #1 active shooter preparedness training in the U.S. PDA’s trainings are unique, because, unlike community-based active shooter trainings, this training is specific to the unique challenges and context of church gatherings and church buildings. This training is thorough, accurate and a gift to our churches.
Be strategic about inviting specific people from your church. Invite church security team folks or individuals who work on building security – ushers, greeters, outreach workers (do you have a homeless ministry? food ministry?), and pastors. Send people who are on the front lines greeting people and interacting with the public and who work on or with the church building. These individuals will then report back to your church and provide specific training and guidance particular to your church.
This training is FREE, thanks to your One Great Hour of Sharing offerings. The cost for boxed lunch is $15.