PC(USA) Leadership Webinars
The PC(USA) provides webinars for ruling elders and deacons serving in local congregations across the denomination. These webinars give an opportunity to gather together virtually and in the presence of other leaders who walk alongside us on this formation journey. On their website, you can watch previous webinars and register for the upcoming Called to Serve webinar.
Discovering Leadership: Called to Serve
A Leader Formation Webinar
November 7, 2024; 7-8:30 pm (eastern) – Registration is Now Open – Deadline October 30, 2024
Our Presbyterian Constitution says, “some are called to ordered ministries, to fulfill particular functions.” (G-2.0101). What does it mean for ruling elders and deacons to be called to fulfill particular functions in the life of Christ’s Church? In this webinar we will explore that question by considering leadership capacities and gifts, and how those gifts are discovered. Leadership will be contemplated both from an individual outlook and a community dynamic, while probing the meaning of “sharing with others a deep life of worship, prayer, fellowship, and service.” (Book of Order, F-1.0032d.)
This event is free for participants and is funded through your per capita dollars. It does not come without cost, however. Knowing the diversity of language within the PC(USA), this webinar will be provided in several languages with interpretation based on requests made through the registration process. As a result, there is a registration deadline of October 30, 2024, in order to be able to have time to arrange for those services. Advanced registration is not necessary for access to the recording which will be available in English following the event.
Register for the webinar by October 30, 2024.
To learn more or to watch previous sessions, visit the Leader Formation website.