Youth Winter Camp 2024
You are invited to a Winter Camp at The Big Bear Christian Camp and Conference Center hosted by Los Ranchos Presbyterian youth leaders with a strong multi-ethnic emphasis offered at an incredibly affordable rate. Geneva, Santa Ana and Trabuco Youth Groups are partnering with Unidos South OC to develop a Winter Camp with depth that fits our Presbyterian theological tradition. We have over 15 years of camp leadership & programming experience (including Forest Home) on our team.
Here are the details:
- Why? God has been working toward unity across cultural/ethnic divides in our Presbytery and this camp is the result of that. As part of this camp, every church must participate in two pre-camp leader unity events (dates TBA). We believe that when we as adult leaders are united in our purpose, our students will follow!
- When? February 23-25, 2024
- How Much? $100/student!!! Adult leaders go free at a 5 to 1 student to adult ratio. You pay for any adults over a 5 to 1 student to adult ratio. This is all thanks to generous funding by the Strategic Coordinating Team of the The Presbytery of Los Ranchos.
- Where? Big Bear Lake Christian Camp and Conference Center (575 Prairie Ln. Big Bear Lake, CA 92315)
- Who? All PLR Youth Groups are invited including intergenerational adult advisors/mentors/leaders. This camp is open to all students in 6th-12th grade and programming will reflect this age gap to maintain integrity in developmental differences across the age span. Currently, the youth groups from Geneva, Trabuco, and Santa Ana in addition to “Unidos South OC” are attending and co-leading this event.
- What? The theme is “Lightswitch”. We’ll be “highlighting” Genesis 1 and John 1 to talk about the light that has come into the world and how the darkness did not overcome it. We’ll relate this to the darkness and chaos in our lives and how faithfulness to Jesus shines light in every dark place. We’ll have a paid speaker with a Presbyterian youth background, full worship band, great food (no, seriously, it’s really good), zip line, high ropes challenge course, snow tubing, and more.
- How? We’ll be meeting at 1st Pres Santa Ana and at Unidos in San Juan Capistrano on Friday, February 23rd at 5PM and returning Sunday, February 25th at 1PM. Charter buses will safely transport us up the snowy mountain. Once there, we will have the large meeting hall with sleeping and dining facilities attached.
Please contact Rev. Ryan Romberg if you are interested in attending or would like to learn more. The deadline to register is February 5, 2024.