Hispanic/Latino Leaders Retreat 2024: Relax-Rejuvenate & Flourish

Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center 660 Hwy 50, Zephyr Cove, NV, United States

Presbiterio de Los Ranchos, en asociación con los presbiterios de San Fernando, San Diego, Riverside y Santa Bárbara. Presbytery of Los Ranchos, in partnership with San Fernando, San Diego, Riverside & Santa Barbara Presbyteries. Propósito: Es relajar nuestros cuerpos, rejuvenecer  nuestras almas y florecer en nuestras vidas, familas y ministerios. Purpose: To relax our bodies, rejuvenate our souls, and flourish […]

Administrative Personnel Association Pacific 2022 Conference

Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center 660 Hwy 50, Zephyr Cove, NV, United States

September 15-18, 2022 Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center COVID-19 protocols will be followed Registration deadline is August 1 Early Bird discount available through June 12 The conference schedule is the same one that was postponed due to COVID-19 in 2020 and due to the Caldor Fire in the South Lake Tahoe area in 2021. Biblical […]