Understanding Per Capita and General Mission Giving
Why Per Capita? Forty-two congregations and seven new worshiping communities comprise the Presbytery of Los Ranchos from San Clemente to East Los Angeles, from the Pacific Ocean to the Santa Ana Mountains. Per Capita underwrites a small part of the often-unnoticed infrastructure that benefits these ministries. These two infrastructures include support services for various partnerships, commissions, and mission undertakings; oversight of pastor-parish relationships and preparation for ministry; and assistance with insurance, law, finance, and administration matters. But Per Capita goes further still. Through your per capita giving, you make possible expert guidance during times of pastoral transition, congregational turmoil, personal struggle, and polity confusion; translation of materials into Spanish, Korean, and other major languages; professional archiving of and access to the Church’s historical records; judicial and administrative oversight throughout Southern California; ecumenical relations at a national level; and a well-run biennial General Assembly. Thus, the presbyteries, synods, and General Assembly of our Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) annually make assessments that our session is committed to paying because we treasure our relationship with the wider church.
2024 PLR Per Capita Letter – written by Stated Clerk, Rev. Sandra Kim
2025 General Mission Giving Letter – written by Moderator of PLR Trustees/President of Corporation, Michael Regele
For 2025, General Assembly per capita will be $10.84, Synod will be $2.85, and Presbytery will be $31.00, for a total of $44.69 per member.