The Gathering Learning Conversations

February 29, 2020 from 1:15 – 2:15 pm

Vietnamese Presbyterian Church, Garden Grove

Learning Conversations (formerly called “Workshops”) are opportunities to engage with those who are wise, experts, or otherwise passionate about particular areas of interest to the presbytery, the denomination, and those of the faith in general. Each presenter will provide a brief overview of their topic, along with learning outcomes. Learning Conversations are intended to be venues for us to grow together in wisdom and understanding together as we actively listen and dialogue together. If you have topics you want to suggest for future Presbytery Gatherings, please contact Debbie Haley ( 

Owning Your Journey

Facilitator and Keynote Speaker: Rev. Dr. Lance Allen

There is much talk about privilege these days.  How can we discern between the false paths that lead to tension and the healthy path that leads to shalom in a diverse community? Lance will go deeper in this area and also be available to answer any questions that might have come up during the main presentation.


The Church’s Current Role in Syria and Lebanon

Facilitator: Rev. Tim McCalmont, Moderator of the Syria-Lebanon Partnership Network, Honorably Retired Pastor in Los Ranchos Presbytery

Update on how the churches in both countries have responded to the events of the past few months and how the overall situation presents a major opportunity for the PCUSA.  Recently published curriculum materials for our congregations will be made available.


Saying Goodbyes Gracefully:

60 minute guide to free up as much life as possible before you die

Facilitator: Rev. Stanley Kim is a teaching elder in our presbytery and also the Director of Spiritual Care at St. Mary Medical Center in Long Beach, CA. Rev. Kim completed a research residency in End of Life Care at the Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC. Rev. Kim holds three specialties in Palliative Care, End of Life Care, and the Perinatal Bereavement. 

Rev. Kim’s presentation will consider how to prepare for that moment when we realize we are getting old or sick enough that dying is not too far from our thoughts. He will share some helpful guidance and to do lists that cover the majority of issues to consider when dealing with dying.