Presbyterian Youth Triennium (PYT) Registration Begins Soon!

Jan 17, 2025

As If We Were Dreaming… (Psalm 126)
July 28-31, 2025
Louisville, Kentucky

Visit the Triennium site here

This every-three-year event is open to all students entering or having just graduated from High School.

PYT is opening registration in early February. We will need to register as a group, so join the Los Ranchos Registrar and other interested youth leaders on Wednesday, February 5th, at either 10:00 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. to hear all about the event and PLR’s plans for our delegation.

We’ll do our very best to answer your questions about the theme, the schedule, travel, lodging, and more. We’ll also be taking applications for advisors. Final number of advisors will depend on the size and make-up of our delegation.

For the Zoom link or more information contact Susan Young Thornton.

The Presbytery of Los Ranchos is able to underwrite the participation of students in the amount of $750.00 with the expectation that the church and the family will share the remaining expense. Total expenses are expected to not exceed $1700.00. However, no student will be excluded due to an inability of the church or the family to pay. Scholarships will be available and can cover all expenses minus $100.00.