Relax, Rejuvenate, Flourish

Jul 2, 2024

Retiro de Pastores y Lideres 2024
“Relajarse, Rejuvenecer, Florecer”
“Relax, Rejuvenate, Flourish”

By Tom Cramer

I’m spending five glorious days on the shores of Lake Tahoe with Latino leaders and mission partners, where I was also honored to be invited as a presenter. These special times away for Latino leaders from all over the west are the brainchild of Alfredo Delgado, PLR’s Specialist for Church Revitalization and New Worshiping Communities, and receive support from the Presbyterian Mission Agency, San Fernando  and San Gabriel Presbyteries and PALL a training organization of the Synod of Southern California and Hawaii.

Leaders of Esperanz Viva (Norwalk), Kelvin and Loyda Gordian

The joy of the Lord is so palpable it makes me wonder why I spend so much time seeking joy elsewhere. The presentations have been deeply inspiring and much needed for leaders who give of themselves sacrificially day in and day out to their congregations and neighborhoods.

This year’s topic is “How to Flourish while Taking Care of Yourself.” My favorite part is the small group time where we share our stories of God’s amazing faithfulness and personal transformation. Getting to know each other at a deeper level has been rejuvenating in a deep and meaningful way.

I also feel enriched by a seamless translation of the entire event in Spanish and English, which reminds me of how limiting our respective languages can sometimes be—and, in contrast, how liberating they can be in their unique forms—when giving praise to our infinitely loving and just God.

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