Inspire: The Moment is Now
On Thursday, April 25-27, sisters and brothers came together with a shared purpose: to worship and learn from one another. They journeyed from Southern California, Northern California, and Georgia, representing established churches and new worshipping communities.
From the very beginning, people connected naturally. We sang, we prayed, and we shared our lives and ministry testimonies. The environment was filled with a sense of trust, confidence, and friendship.
The recurring theme was how we connect and support one another in serving the Lord Jesus and the communities where God has placed us. We heard of the importance of affirming our service, which is embedded in how all people are included using their voices, insights, and skills.
The 1001 New Worshiping Communities National Team put together a process through which we were all able to connect and have meaningful interactions with one another. I witnessed the joy of two pastors and an elder who expressed how this gathering greatly impacted their lives.
We need to continue bringing people from established churches and new worshipping communities together. We are all part of what God has been, is, and will be doing.
I am grateful that Los Ranchos Presbytery and Morningside Presbyterian Church collaborated to host this event on behalf of the whole.
With profound gratitude,
Rev. Dr. Alfredo Delgado
Los Ranchos Presbytery Specialist
Church Revitalization & New Worshipping Communities