Confessions Study Group

by | Nov 15, 2021 | News

Theologically speaking, ordination in the PC(USA) presumes and requires a lot! It presumes that candidates for ordered ministry—as deacons, ruling elders, and ministers of Word and Sacrament—are familiar enough with the twelve documents contained in The Book of Confessions to make informed judgments about “the essential tenets of the Reformed faith.” And it requires them, once ordained, to be “instructed . . . led” and “continually guided by” these texts throughout the course of their ministries (W-4.0404bc).

As an aid to all who desire to understand, evaluate, and apply our confessional standards more capably, the Christian Formation & Discipleship team will sponsor a weekly Confessions Study Group via Zoom, beginning Saturday, January 22nd, from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. and continuing every Saturday through February 26th. We will be using Being Reformed: Exploring the Confessions, which can be purchased here

After an initial series of meetings introducing The Book of Confessions as a whole, each one-hour session will be devoted to reading, reflecting critically upon, and praying in response to a brief unit of confessional text (e.g., Q&A 1–2 of the Heidelberg Catechism). Over the long term, The Book of Confessions will be treated in its entirety. For more information, contact David Beary.