Missional & Pioneer Leader Training 2021

by | Dec 1, 2020 | News

The faculty is ready, the dates are set, and there is space left for the 2021 Missional and Pioneer Leader Training beginning in January. If you are someone who feels God’s nudge to share your faith more robustly, to start a new outreach ministry of your church, or even to launch a new worshiping community, this training is for you. This comprehensive training will motivate, equip, and help you thrive in places where God has called you to change hearts and lives. Click here to find the 2021 Course Descriptions and Faculty for Missional and Pioneer Training (Year 1).

The cost to participate in these training sessions is $25 per session or $250 for the year. You are welcome to pay per session, or for the entire year up front, and you can indicate this on the registration form. Please register for the sessions that you will be attending in advance in order to receive the zoom login details. (All sessions are on Saturdays. Please register by 12:00pm on the Friday prior to the Saturday session in order to receive the zoom link.) Scholarships are available for members of the Presbytery of Los Ranchos. To apply, please complete the Leadership Development Funding Application Form and submit it to Debbie Haley at dhaley@losranchos.org.

For more information, please contact Alfredo Delgado at adelgado@losranchos.org or at: (562) 805-7844.


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