Harnessing the Power of Social Media, Two Webinars for Your Church

by | Aug 18, 2020 | News

By Martín Garcia

Social Media has become the bread and butter of our daily lives.  Most of us have accounts on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, SnapChat, or LinkedIn.  All of us enjoy posting pictures of ourselves, our families, our pets, and even our food.  Some others enjoy getting into debates with friends, and even with people they have never met.

However, coordinating social media for churches, organizations, and businesses is a whole different enchilada.  Messages and pictures posted in social media must reflect the vision and mission of the organization. This is where many churches need help. It is critical that communications stay on point and convey only what is needed for that moment in a congregation’s journey.

For this reason, Cyclical Los Ranchos is offering two Webinars to make you a pro in social media.  On September 2, we will be offering a Webinar entitled “Becoming a Social Media Champion” presented by Henry Alonso, an expert on social media and image projection for the entertainment industry, particularly, Christian singers. Henry grew up as a pastor’s child and he knows the importance of creating a cohesive and powerful image, which he has brought to his work in media management.

The second webinar will be on September 9 and will focus on “Crafting Media Content.” It will be led by Tim Howard, current Music Director of Pasadena Presbyterian Church, and highly experienced in TV production for churches. Tim will focus on helping church leaders create transformational content in their communications.

We hope to see you at these two powerful webinars.   If you are interested in participating, email Martin Garcia at mgarcia@cyclicallosranchos.org as soon as possible.