Vital Congregations: Tackling the “New Normal”
At February’s Presbytery Gathering, which seems like a lifetime ago, I celebrated our acceptance as a Second-Wave Presbytery of the Vital Congregations Initiative. Since then, we’ve all been in hyper drive adapting to the new realities presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, I even wondered secretly if we should hit the “pause button” on our Vital Congregations efforts in our presbytery seeing as how the big kick off in Austin has been postponed to the fall.
What I have discovered, however, is that Vital Congregations is alive and well, more vital than ever really (please forgive the pun). The national staff is hosting gatherings every Wednesday at Noon (Pacific Time), which are encouraging, thought provoking, and rich with practical ideas for your church.
What I have found in these conversations with church leaders throughout our nation is that the “7 Marks of Congregational Vitality” are just as important for a church that meets virtually as they are for one that meets physically, perhaps more so.
Therefore, I invite you to join me each Wednesday at Noon to have a conversation focused on one of the 7 Marks. There will be prayer, theological reflection, and a lively exchange on how your congregation can grow more vital especially during such a “time such as this!”
Here’s your official invitation, but please note that the meeting is 12 Noon Pacific Time.
Join Zoom Meeting at with the Meeting ID: 331 821 463.
If you have any problems connecting, please contact Tom Cramer.