Presbytery-Wide Summer Youth Adventure
… heading to the mountains of North Carolina for the
2020 Montreat Youth Conference (MYC)
Who: All Los Ranchos Youth Rising 9th Grade Through Completed 12th Grade
When: Saturday, August 1 – Saturday, August 8, 2020
Where: Montreat Conference Center, Montreat, NC
Every day at MYC:
- Keynote – gathers everyone together for movement and group building (fondly known as energizers), announcements, music, and keynote, a 45 minute-ish presentation engaging conferees in the day’s scriptural theme.
- Small Groups – allow youth to form relationships with others in order to have honest discussions about questions raised during keynote and worship. Small group sessions are led by trained small group leaders, who guide conversation and lead group-building activities.
- Worship – After dinner, everyone gathers for worship, engaging the Word of God as they seek to understand and respond to the challenges and triumphs of being a high schooler in the 21st century. Youth Conference worship is joyful, reflective, and seeks to glorify God using the many creative gifts of participants.
- Recreation – featured throughout the day and include everything from dance, games, and group building activities to snow cone parties, international crafts, and service.
Conference Leadership:
Mark Yaconelli, Cecelia Armstrong, Tony McNeill,
Laura Becker, and Mich Phillips
We’ll be living family-style in cozy Reynolds Lodge
Approximate cost for travel, lodging, meals, and program $1300 – $1500 to be shared by the presbytery, the congregation and the family. Confidential scholarships are available.
For more information and to join in the adventure, contact
Susan Young Thornton – or 949.767.6816