Ash Wednesday Invitation from LAC+USC Hospital

by | Feb 13, 2020 | News

As you might imagine, Ash Wednesday is a very busy day at LAC+USC Medical Center!

Christians around the world observe Ash Wednesday by encountering their mortality and receiving an ash cross that reaffirms their repentance from sin and their belief in the Gospel. Because of their illness or a 12-hour shift, many Christians are bound to the hospital grounds and unable to receive this blessing. Last year, the chaplains and community volunteers shared this blessing with over 1400 people at LAC+USC Hospital!

—-This Is Where You Come In 🙂

If you are interested in helping out, they would love it! Ash Wednesday is February 26, 2020. Basically the ashes are offered all day long to patients, their families and hospital staff, but the peak demand is in the morning, between 9 am-1:30 pm. Both clergy and laity are welcome to lend a hand.

If you are interested in joining us from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m, or if you have questions, please email me at