CHPC Update – Holy Smoke Edition
Hello Congregation ,
It has been just over 24 hours since our fellowship hall (Canyon Hills Presbyterian Church) experienced a damaging fire during our worship in the Sanctuary. It is amazing how much blessing and support can be offered in such a short period of time from our congregation, our neighbors and the community. This was a devastating fire in relation to our property but has not consumed our faith, indeed our resolve to share the love of Christ Jesus has been forged even stronger.
As the sun rose over the fellowship hall in the early morning hours today there was a beautiful pink sky revealing itself as if to offer reassurances from heaven. Today our staff and several elders were able to meet at Corner Bakery to re-group and assess our next tasks as we respond to the effects of the fellowship hall fire. The Anaheim Fire Inspectors reexamined the fire scene and are working to complete their report. The cause of the fire remains under investigation, but no foul play is suspected at this time. An electrician has also reviewed the damage and we expect to have power restored to the sanctuary, offices and classrooms by end of today. Tomorrow we being meeting with our insurance agents to process our claim.
While we are not yet certain when and if we can return to our offices, the staff of CHPC continues to prepare for programs and ministry and are making the adjustments necessary as we continue to do the work God has called us to. We will send regular updates about our future programs and ministry. We are looking forward to our kickoff Modified Wednesday program for the El Rancho Students at 12 noon in our parking lot – come help out with our BBQ and fun! Contact Matt Moncrief or Kathie Consalvi at if you can join us.
We have had such a tremendous outpouring of offers of assistance, we are especially grateful for some of our sister churches in the neighborhood, Yorba Linda Presbyterian, San Antonio Catholic Church, and the Vineyard Church for their offers of meeting spaces and support through this challenging time. Also, so many parishioners and community members offering their support, prayers and assistance has been awe-inspiring. As soon as we have a better idea of what areas of our campus will be habitable and usable we will let you know how to help.
The fire to our fellowship hall was unwelcome and shocking and now presents a challenge for our congregation as we make due for a period of time with less property for our kingdom work – but as a church we are resilient and no fire can take away who we are and whose we are. We are God’s! And God will help us turn defeats into victories. Stay tuned, we are on the move…
Peace of Christ,
The Staff and Leaders of CHPC