April 21-22, 2012
First Presbyterian Church, Westminster

The weekend will begin with a worship service at 6:00 pm Saturday, April 21. During that service, there will be a speaker from Voice of the Martyrs, as well as a Romanian choir, Spanish praise band and a Vietnamese vocal group. On Sunday morning, there are two worship services. At 9:00 am, there will be brief presentations from our missionaries representing Wycliffe Bible Translators and Teach Us to Pray International. The representatives from various organizations will also be introduced. The 10:30 service will feature brief presentations from our missionary representing Campus Crusade for Christ and a representative from Free Wheelchair Ministry.

A mission fair will take place between the worship services and at the end of the second service in the Fellowship Hall.  Each organization will have its own display area, and the representatives will be there to answer questions.

First Presbyterian in Westminster currently supports six missionary families, and three will be in attendance at this event. There will also be representatives from organizations representing international, national and local mission.

For more information, contact Ed Bush, ekbush@verizon.net.